Like, because now you have to now you have to kind of like make an effort, you know? Now it’s like, oh, you’re going back to you’re going back to the old times. So much happens, like, and then they see you on Instagram, and they think that Asian women online you are you know, living your best life or whatever. What do you think that I had to do was talk to people who knew that version of myself. And kind of like, just just to hear from them who she was. I enjoy people being around me are people who are comfortable with themselves, people who who know what they want. And I mean, you have to know that crystal clear, but it has some kind of outline of it.

If you are keeping busy and being productive, you have less time to sit around and feel lonely or homesick. If you used to enjoy going for a morning walk to get coffee, ask around to see if there is a nice park nearby to continue your routine.

  • Books and websites are good sources of information, but the best resources are the locals.
  • Sees the differences between the old and new culture are seen in a romantic light, wonderful and new.
  • The more knowledge you have about your new environment, the better.
  • They isolate themselves from the host country’s environment, which they come to perceive as hostile, withdraw into an “ghetto” and see return to their own culture as the only way out.
  • Your alone time is important, but try not to isolate in your room too much.

Since we didn’t have billing information, we had to rely on a host based in the UK to deal with all these matters. The local property manager didn’t respond to our phone calls or texts. Despite the beautiful photos I shared on Facebook and Instagram, we also had to deal with a lot of problems. I still shower in the evening, arrange my wet hair into braids, and wear my softest t-shirts and shorts to bed.

Culture Shock

Physical activity may be the last thing you want to do when you’re feeling down, but it is worth a try. Anything that moves your body and gets your blood flowing can release endorphins, clear your mind and make a huge difference in your mood. Stay in touch with friends you made while abroad.

Culture Shock Affects American Students

So I was like, I need to be somewhere familiar to process the rest of this. And I scraped up all of my coins literally and booked a ticket home at the very last minute so you can imagine how much money I paid. And what are the things that my therapist reminded me of was that you know, sometimes relationships fizzle out. You know, as I’m in my first year, I did not know what those were.


Some students might experience homesickness within the first few days or weeks of being abroad, while others might not be hit by homesickness until later on, or closer to the holidays. Holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, family events or even family illness or death can all cause you to feel homesick, or make you wish you were at home. Also, many students report increased feelings of homesickness during the winter months when darkness, rainy weather and the cold can lead to feelings of depression. Even though it may be challenging to think about your life back home, it’s crucial not to neglect your relationships with your family and friends.

So, join us to hear her everyday folks build connection in strange places and to discover how you can use their experiences to help you in your own journey of community creation. It’s an anxiety-inducing experience, but there’s a way to get yourself comfortable with it. If you’re an expat and a frequent traveler, you might be familiar with the term ‘Culture Shock’. Do not try to find a “little America” abroad.

She recognized that she isn’t the only one who has felt homesick and that other Howard students have had similar experiences. Communicating with people in the local language will help you gain confidence, understand the culture and feel connected to those around you. Culture shock can be discouraging, but remember that you are not alone. Here are some tips for coping with culture shock.

Don’t worry though – culture shock, as it is known, is natural. Adjusting to your new environment will take time – and maybe some expert guidance. Follow these tips on how to overcome culture shock when studying abroad. One of the most helpful ways to battle homesickness is to focus on the things you love about your expat home. Make a list of things you want to experience and set aside time to actually go do them. Is this your first time living in a big city with lots of museums and cultural events? If you love having easier access to traveling places on your bucket list, start planning a trip.

Some begin to see these differences as “defects” in the host culture. Others, criticized for inappropriate actions, respond by “blaming the hosts,” thereby increasing their own alienation and justifying their attitudes. This makes it even more difficult for them to evaluate their own behavior or objectively observe the host culture. Traveling internationally doesn’t guarantee peace of mind, however. This is a tough one because let’s be honest, everyone procrastinates at one point or another when it comes to homework.

Exploring new hobbies or joining a student club on campus, especially those that encourage socializing and meeting new people, can help you overcome culture shock. Try not to compare yourself to others when learning how to deal with culture shock, especially if they are American or have spent a significant time in the U.S. already.

Like, I enjoy their company for these for these reasons. And midway through, I’m like, I don’t have time for this. A lot of people – aren’t in tune with, you know, energy with their own energy and things like that.